Attention Goldfield Grads The Goldfield Historical Society is looking for newspaper articles and pictures to put in our Goldfield Booth at the Heritage Museum in Clarion IA. It is located on Hwy #3 in Clarion between Evans Furniture and Snack Village on the South side of the highway. The museum is an interesting place to visit with many antique vehicles, collections of toys and other articles from the past. Each town in Wright County is represented with it’s own booth. We
would also like written memories of your school days, especially if you
attended a country school. A
history of these schools is being published.
If you can help us out or would like any information please
contact Mary Axon at PO Box 3, Goldfield, IA
50542, (1-515-825-3731) or Marylyn Wilson
Please also note that the link to the Goldfield Cheese Mart is now live over on the right hand side of any page on this site below the sponsors heading. Check out their brand new site and see all the things they have to offer. They deliver!
Report Things went better this time. Could it be because I threatened to quit, and let someone else do the program???? I should have threatened retirement a long time ago. STILL have not seen the whites of Al and Jan's eyes, but hopefully NEXT time, right? We had one more Stearns sister show up (great to have you Joy), and I think they hold the record for most siblings to participate. Carolyn Bygness did NOT win the distance record this time, because my sister Nancy Whyte Danielson came all the way from Florida. Whew! Quite a trip for an Alumni Chorus rehearsal. Agreed? It could be that the fact that her new granddaughter Zoe Grace lives in Minn. now, had a little more to do with her trip up north, don't know for sure. Her hubby just flew to Columbia(South America) to shoot dove. Things are not good down there, and she begged and begged him not to go. Finally she said "OK, so if someone sends me your ear in a box, should I pay the ransom or not?" He went anyway. She cracks me up!!!!!! Calling all alumni, mates, friends, etc, please do not miss the next rehearsal, 4:00, Presbyterian Church, May 12, 2002. Then May 26th. Then we have rehearsals every Sunday in June till the big day. Every song sounds pretty good except the God Bless America finale. We need more guns. There are some really neat sounds, but it must be big and fat, and round, and we need all of you to do that. (most of us are indeed bigger fatter, and rounder!) We had our "Gods Kids" program last week, so now that is over, I plan to send music to all of you who want to sing with us that night. I will include a copy of the music, and a tape of Linda playing the parts. Just send me your address either in email, or snail mail, and I will include you, OK? Maureen E.
Cameron We have our meetings here every month, and they get more riotous every time. Marvin said we could just record them and have the entertainment for the banquet. Hilarious. We cry tears. Some really great Fred Nesheim stories. Scott Whyte said he had nothing to report, but didn't want to miss the lunch! Great Sonna treats every time! Alan called us the very second we were talking about him, and spooked us considerably. HE is in the hospital again, but reportedly doing well. He will be home early, no doubt, just so he won't miss the laughs at the meetings. (AND the treats) Pray for a cool day on June 22, PLEASE???? I am not kidding, at all. The heat always seems to spoil the night, and some of us are just too old for the temp. Besides, we have wimped out with the air conditioning thing everywhere we go now. It will be wonderful to see all of you. I haven't changed one bit, have you?????????????????? hahahahahahahahahahaha! Mimi Whyte
Just a quick update to let you all know that the bulletin board has been recently upgraded. Now when you visit that area of this site you'll see that the advertising banners are gone and those irritating pop-up windows are gone too! Thanks to the Alumni Committee and the Goldfield Telephone company for helping us upgrade to an easier to use bulletin board. If some of
you are having a hard time figuring out just how to make use of the bulletin
board, please click on the following link to see a quick demo for
using this site feature: Bulletin
Board Demo
Choir Report
In Memory Please remember in your prayers the family of Grace Clausen Boyson from the class of 1927 who passed away last week. Website Changes We have added a "News Archives" link, so that you can look back at the older news updates that you may have missed. A "Missing Teachers" link has been added to keep a list of the teachers that we are still trying to locate. We have removed the requirement to register to use the bulletin board on the site now. So people can post without a password now. No registration necessary. Just pick a topic, click the reply button, choose any user name you want, no password needs to be entered, just type your message and submit it. We have also added added a little quick news scroller to the side bar of the main page. When you hover over the window with your cursor the scroll stops so you can slow it down if you need to when reading. Thanks, Alan McCollough Choir Report ![]() Greeting all, from the world of "help, the reunion is only three months away" here in Goldberg! It was so cold here on Sunday, I didn't want to go rehearse either, and we had a small crew show up. Thank God for the faithful few! Again we want to encourage anyone who wants to join us. We had at LEAST two empty seats, and could arrange for more if you would be willing to fill them. After bragging about old Joe, the professional joining us last time, he had to miss this last rehearsal because they had a party for his father -in-law on his 96th Birthday! So, is that any excuse? Well, OK, I give up, it is legitimate, THIS TIME! Our ghost bass, Larry Larson, was heard but not seen! I have begged, I have threatened, and what is next?????? Perhaps the passing of the baton? We're waiting L.L. ... We need you! Beryl Reichter and Dean Schipull were having a little too much fun in the back row, and I may have to split those two up!!!!! Or threaten that the next picture will be of them alone! That's a real threat! The music is so beautiful, and daily we have more people emailing and asking to join us the night of the program. I will soon be sending out copies of the music, and a tape to go with it, so you can practice at home. I will write the instructions in the music, because for a lot of it, we are just singing unison. Some parts are solos, and duets, and even two kids are going to do a cute bit. Thanks to the "young" (Jan Rowen, who found it on the internet) we finally got some copies of the music, after looking high and low and always coming up empty. My suspicion is that this collection has suddenly become very popular because of the "God Bless America" finale; therefore everyone else bought it all up. Thanks Jan. Each copy costs $4.00, so a donation of some cold cash will be appreciated, indeed. Our next rehearsal (Jan and Al!) will be March 17th, 4:00 at the Presbyterian Church, be there or be square! The director! ![]()
Classmates Page
Gold-Eagle Coop